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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Articles on the negative aspects of speculative work

All about the negative aspects of producing speculative work to win commissions. Their site mission statement is '...to unite those who support the notion that spec work devalues the potential of design and ultimately does a disservice to the client.' They give Ten Reasons for their theory. However the site is 'very' negative. They have good points, but it seems like a lot of designers getting on their soap box. Despite that, we would recommend taking a visit as some of the one liners used in the articles might come in handy for 'that' awkward client. In particular the article on 'Speculative Presentations', we would go as far as saying this was one of the best articles we've ever read on the pitfalls of doing speculative work or what we like to call 'try before you buy'. Hopefully someone will add a positive swing on speculative work for the site, so that they can see both sides of the fence.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Before and After

A great online/print magazine for graphic designers. Their site contains lots of links to ideas and articles in their current edition. Back editions can also be purchased.

It's a great looking site with many tutorials and PDF downloads to read. They describe themselves as 'Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understandable, useful and even fun for everyone.' And they deliver.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Mandarin Design - Web + Blog Design & Development.

Thousands of secrets on typography and colour usage for web designers. Including methods to re-create magazine styling (pullquotes) on your website. Lots of archives, tips and tricks. Worth bookmarking.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Surprising Truth About Ugly Websites

A fantastic article about how ugly sites can deliver straight to the point content and still make money. Some very funny points made here. Well worth a read.
Also the host site is http://www.site-reference.com that has thousands of articles that provide advice, website tools and resources to website owners.